Monday (13, Oct), I joined the team mapping the Jordan trail in the first hike, the team was: Tony & Di Tailor, Mark Khano, Amjad Shahrour, they have already done mapping a good part of the trail, Most of the northern regions up to now, I will be joining the team during the coming month mapping, walking and taking the GPS and walking notes for more than 200 km mostly to the south of Jordan, yesterday we hiked around 7.5 km in Humrat Maen Aria crossing from before wadi Hemara and reaching to Wadi Zarqa Maen, a pleasant hike, contained some up and downhill, the start point was full of Acacia trees, along the way we saw different birds, crested larks, Tristram starlings, what I believe a Hoopoe lark, some hyena tracks and territorial marking, different types of butterflies, and some interesting flora, but the most intresting thing in the hike was the amazing views toward the Dead Sea area.